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Premier Peter Gutwein is to be congratulated for his announcement (The Mercury 2nd March) on the $1.5bn 10,000 homes initiative which includes low deposit finance, equity sharing and projected land releases for 60,000 residential lots.

This indeed is a welcome and well overdue long-term plan. It is however in no way the emergency plan that our state desperately needs right now. For most of those with nowhere to live it’s simply a lot too little and a lot too late.

I call upon the Premier to formally recognize and declare that a state of emergency exists for accessible and affordable housing for most home seekers in this state. Such a declaration will give him the power to deal with the oppressive level of red and green tape at all levels of Government that has paralysed any attempt to address the current housing emergency.

You have demonstrated strong leadership with the pandemic emergency, but now could this be your finest hour Mr. Gutwein?

Rick Cazaly. Lenah Valley.